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The On-Chain Off-Site
Remote teams often get together at conferences but there isn't much time for focused work and the events aren't optimised for spending time together as a team.
The OnChainOffSite is a new event that optimises for 3 things:
- Co-working spaces with great wifi
- Optional events for team building and fun with other companies building in crypto
- Great location and food!
The event is likely to be held at a large venue in Italy and will be a 4 or 5 day event. We will do our best to make sure it's less than an hour from a major airport.
We expect the event to cost approximately $200 per person per day. This price includes food but does not include optional activites or drinks.
This is NOT a conference. There will be optional opportunities to network but if you want to come as a team and only spend time as a team - that is totally fine.
If you would like to sign up to hear more (and hopefully join us) please fill in this form.